For the explorers , tree climbers, those that like  getting dirt under their fingernails!


DREAMT UP BY Nurture Ecology Ltd and Core LEarning Jersey


Recapturing Wonder

We believe that outdoor play and exploration is essential for kids’ development and growth…but that often children lack this sense of adventure, wonder and freedom in today’s modern world.

We run a series of week-long Earth Kids summer camps in St.Ouen’s Bay throughout the summer and easter school holidays that aim to inspire and motivate children to get outside to learn about and enjoy Jersey’s beautiful environment, and promote a deep nature connection. With activities that promote play, creativity, exploration, conservation and craft we use these as tools to absorb kids in the natural world 

Our camps are all run outdoors, with fun and enthusiastic professional staff ranging from qualified teachers to experienced ecologists. Kids will learn a number of real outdoor skills, and use creativity to explore different things that they are inspired by. We also promote personal responsibility and encourage kids to be their best selves everyday. We will learn about being a helpful member of a team and to develop a respect for nature, each other and themselves.


" To be creative you actually have to do something."

sir ken robinson  | advisor to education



We have designed a wide range of fun and engaging activities that will be outdoor-based in St.Ouen's Bay National Park. Activities such as the following will be included in the camp, but may vary, dependent on availability, weather, tides, and the children’s preferences



Want to come along?
